The Chris and Andre Show
Two Best Friends Who Disagree Sometimes (oh, and Joe)
We found 6 episodes of The Chris and Andre Show with the tag “finance”.
Billionaires: Should The Exist?
February 18th, 2025 | 30 mins 12 secs
billionaires, donald trump, elon musk, finance, jeff bezos, mark zuckerberg, politics
Chris and Andre debate whether billionaires are to blame for the world's problems, or if they are just a symptom of the system we've built.
Why You Might Consider Working With BMO Harris Bank | THE BIG RANT
May 10th, 2023 | 15 mins 11 secs
banking, bmo harris, customer service, finance, repossession
Chris got a call from BMO Harris following the release of our previous episode, but instead of being upset about it, Jennifer from BMO Harris was glad she had seen it and wanted to do what she could to make things right.
Getting Started With You Need A Budget (YNAB)
April 25th, 2023 | 1 hr 39 mins
budgeting, finance, ynab, you need a budget
In this episode, Andre walks you through the budgeting tool, You Need A Budget (YNAB), and demonstrates some of the main features and capabilities while also highlighting the pros and cons of the tool. Along the way, Chris asks questions and tries to throw Andre off his game.
Why You Should Never Work with Synchrony Bank Part II - The Follow-Up | THE BIG RANT
October 15th, 2022 | 1 hr 4 mins
banking, credit, finance, loans, synchrony bank, youtube
In this edition of THE BIG RANT, Chris and Andre revisit their most popular video to date, "Why You Should Never Work With Synchrony Bank" and read through the comments they received from other people who had similar experiences to Chris.
Making Your Finances Recession-Proof | THE BIG RANT
September 21st, 2022 | 1 hr 40 mins
budget, budgeting, finance, gnucash, the big rant, you need a budget
In this edition of THE BIG RANT, Andre provides his expertise in personal finance to try and help you get a handle on your finances by Keeping the Lights On and Managing Your Expenses. Chris sits back and learns from the best before diving in to ask some questions that come to mind.
Decrypting Cryptocurrencies | THE BIG RANT
September 14th, 2022 | 1 hr 50 mins
cryptocurrency, finance, investment, rick ross
In this edition of THE BIG RANT, Chris and Andre go off on Cryptocurrency while doing their best to understand what is driving people's obsession with it and their inability to see the massive red flags waving in their faces. Along the way they discuss the death of the "American Dream," Rick Ross's request to crypto-bros, and the current state of the crypto market.