Episode 169

GitHub Is Looking To Replace DockerHub


January 3rd, 2022

8 mins 5 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In this clip from Episode 89 of The Chris and Andre Show, Andre explains how GitHub is making moves to replace DockerHub as a repository for all containers. Chris goes into interview mode and starts asking a lot fo questions to try and get a better understanding of exactly why this is happening and what DockerHub had to offer.

Don’t miss the rest of the conversation in Episode 89 - You’re Not Really An Entrepreneur: https://soundcloud.com/the-chris-and-andre-show/episode-89-youre-not-really-an-entrepreneur

Be sure to visit our YouTube page to watch all episodes and clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY8ClCFudijU4JVLLa2Psrg/

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