The Chris and Andre Show

Two Best Friends Who Disagree Sometimes (oh, and Joe)

About the show

The only way to solve the problems we face as humans is to listen and address the root cause of the issues. In this podcast, we have real conversations about everyday topics that affect our lives.

Listen in as hosts Chris and Andre share their perspectives on everything from politics to pop culture, from cars to cooking, from racism to religion, and much, much more!

Visit our website at and be sure to check out our YouTube channel!


  • Why You SHOULD Be Paying For Content

    June 4th, 2024  |  8 mins 57 secs
    internet, journalism, newspapers, paywall

    In this clip, Chris and Andre talk about paywalls on journalistic sites, with each sharing their opinions and experiences. In the end, they explain why it makes more sense to gate this content than to let it be free.

  • Tech Layoffs Are A Golden Opportunity

    May 31st, 2024  |  25 mins 9 secs
    developers, layoffs, social media, software, software development, tech, tech industry, tech layoffs

    The tech industry has been experiencing massive layoffs over the past several months and some of the biggest companies like Meta, Google, and even Apple are falling victim to this trend. In this video, Andre and I share our own experiences in the tech industry, talk about the real driving force behind these layoffs, and share what unemployed developers should be doing right now.

  • So Long and Farewell, Social Media!

    May 24th, 2024  |  17 mins 59 secs
    facebook, reddit, social media, tiktok, tiktok ban

    In this episode, Chris and Andre discuss the uncertain future of Social Media, why YouTube is in a unique position, and explain how to take control of your own Social Media use.

  • Did DIDDY Do It?

    May 20th, 2024  |  15 mins 47 secs
    crime, hip hop, music, p diddy, pop culture, rap

    In this episode, Chris and Andre discuss the allegations against P Diddy and the fact that he doesn't seem to be going down alone. Andre gives his perspective on the lack of black heroes outside of sports and entertainment.

  • What's REALLY Wrong With Politics?

    May 16th, 2024  |  25 mins 50 secs
    artificial intelligence, cnn, elitism, gop, hollywood, kentucky, politics

    In this episode, Chris and Andre talk about the elites of Hollywood and Washington D.C., rail against the state of Kentucky (at least Chris does) and the state of the GOP, and wrap things up with a rant about Artificial Intelligence (and the awful commercials they make).

  • Why We Can't Escape Social Media

    April 10th, 2024  |  32 mins 34 secs
    facebook, reddit, social media, trump

    In this episode, Chris and Andre share their disdain for Social Media and everything it touches. In particular, Andre is frustrated by his need to use Reddit as a support forum for certain programs.

  • Why Don't You Come Say That To My FACE?!

    January 5th, 2024  |  28 mins 9 secs
    comments, hate, internet, trolling

    We've all encountered someone on the internet who has written some harsh comments. As a YouTube channel, we get lots of them all the time! But what drives people to leave such hateful comments?

  • Parenting Is Hard, Why Do We Keep Making It Harder?

    December 22nd, 2023  |  1 hr 17 mins
    children, covid, family, kids, parenting, parents, relationships

    Chris and Andre both have the privilege of being parents and in this episode, Chris shares some of the things he has been really struggling with lately while Andre provides some sage advice, coupled with examples from his own experiences. If you're struggling as a parent, we hope you know you're not alone and there may be some rather simple things you can do to make a big impact.

  • The REAL Problem with American Christianity | THE BIG RANT

    December 11th, 2023  |  52 mins 41 secs
    catholic, christianity, politics, religion, republicans

    No, this episode isn't about R.E.M. or Billy Joel, it's about Andre's issues with American Christianity and being associated with it through the practicing of his faith.

  • Does the GOP Even Have A Candidate?

    October 7th, 2023  |  35 mins 38 secs
    2024, elections, gop, politics, president, primary, republicans

    Chris and Andre talk about reporters doing their jobs, Joe Biden being old(er), and who exactly the GOP has available as a candidate for president in 2024.

  • What Trump Indictments Say About GOP

    September 10th, 2023  |  21 mins 46 secs
    donald trump, indictments, politics, the chris and andre show

    In this video, Chris and Andre discuss the latest of former President Donald J. Trump's four indictments and how the GOP's reaction to them tells you everything you need to know about the direction that party is headed in.

  • What Was CNN Thinking With Trump Town Hall?

    May 31st, 2023  |  22 mins 27 secs
    cnn, donald trump, politics, townhall

    In this edition of THE BIG RANT, Chris and Andre subject themselves to rewatching some of the CNN Town Hall featuring former President, and current courtroom defendant, Donald Trump to give their feedback on his ramblings, as well as take CNN to task for airing the event in the first place.